5 Signs You Need to Call a Truck Accident Lawyer

About six million car accidents occur across the US each year. As a result, 72% of crashes cause property damage, 27% cause non-fatal injuries, and 6% cause fatalities. 

About two million people suffer permanent injuries every year, impacting their mobility and quality of life.

If you were recently hit by a truck, you likely sustained serious injuries. Contact a truck accident lawyer right away. With their help, you can fight to maximize your settlement offer.

Then, you won’t have to pay for damages out of pocket.

Not sure if you need help from an attorney? Read on to discover the top signs you need a car accident lawyer today. 

1. You’re Feeling Rushed To Settle

If you were recently in a truck accident, the insurance company will want you to settle as soon as possible. They could pressure you to accept the first lowball offer they send. Don’t let an insurance adjuster pressure you.

The insurance company won’t have your best interests in mind when sending your offer. They won’t take the time to consider your losses or who was at fault. As a result, you might unintentionally leave money on the table.

In some cases, the insurance company will try to use your injured state against you. For example, maybe you’re on powerful painkillers as you recover from your injuries. You might struggle to think clearly if you’re on medication.

Knowing this, the insurance company might try to trick you into saying something that indicates you were at fault for the accident.

The insurance company could toss out our claim or stall as well.

Don’t make the mistake of handling negotiations with the insurance company alone. Instead, make sure to hire a personal injury lawyer right away. Look for an attorney who specializes in truck accident cases

An experienced attorney will know how to handle these negotiations. They’ll make sure you don’t rush to settle too soon.

Instead, they’ll take the time to fully calculate your losses. Then, they’ll fight to maximize your claim. With your lawyer’s help, you can avoid making a costly mistake.

2. You’re Not Sure What To Do

How much experience do you have filing personal injury claims? If you lack experience, you could make a costly mistake when filing your claim. 

For example, you shouldn’t try to represent yourself in court. A judge might not take your claim seriously if you lack legal representation. They might feel like you’re wasting their time. 

You might not know what to say when speaking to the insurance company, either. Remember, saying the wrong thing could impact your personal industry claim.

Instead, look for an attorney with years of hands-on case experience.

When consulting a personal injury lawyer, take the time to learn about their specialty. A lawyer who specializes in truck accident cases will understand the laws and procedures involved. They’ll have an easier time strengthening your claim.

Talk to the accident lawyer about the cases they’ve handled in the past. You can leverage their years of experience and expertise. Learning from the previous cases they’ve handled will allow you to make informed decisions regarding your own claim. 

3. You Were Seriously Injured

About 50 million people suffer non-fatal injuries after surviving car accidents. Meanwhile, 4.4 million people require medical attention after crashes. If you were recently in a truck accident, you likely sustained injuries.

First, make sure to visit a physician’s office right away. Only a medical professional can fully assess your injuries. Their assessment can also strengthen your personal injury claim.

Personal injury lawyers can help prove how the crash caused your injuries. They can also prove how the other driver’s negligence caused the crash. Then, you can hold them liable for the accident.

Keep track of all documents related to the crash. For example, you should track your:

  • Medical expenses
  • Doctor’s reports
  • Prescriptions
  • Visits to specialists (chiropractors, pain specialists, etc.)
  • X-rays and other imaging tests
  • Surgeries

Your personal injury lawyer will use these documents when calculating compensatory damages.

They’ll also consider your pain and suffering, property damage, and lost wages. 

For example, perhaps the accident impacted your ability to work. You might have to take time off or work at a diminished capacity. Your lawyer will calculate your recent and future lost wages.

You shouldn’t have to worry about building a lawsuit while you’re healing from your injuries. Instead, contact a truck accident lawyer right away. They’ll ensure you receive the compensation you need to pay off your losses and then some.  

4. Fault Isn’t Clear

In some auto accident cases, fault isn’t initially clear. You’ll need to prove the other driver was at fault for the accident. Otherwise, you might struggle to fight for compensation.

An experienced car accident lawyer will take the time to gather evidence to prove the other driver was at fault.

For example, they might hire a private investigator to gather evidence of what happened. A medical expert can discuss how your injuries will impact your quality of life or mobility.

Your lawyer might also subpoena video footage of the crash as well.

If fault isn’t clear, the other party might try to prove you were at fault. Hire an attorney right away. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay for someone else’s medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. 

5. You Want To Sue

If someone else’s negligence caused a truck accident, don’t hesitate to call a personal injury lawyer. With their help, you can file a personal injury claim. Filing a lawsuit will help you fight for compensation.

Leveraging an experienced professional’s expertise can help you maximize the payout.

Make Your Case: Call a Truck Accident Lawyer to File a Lawsuit Today

Do these situations sound familiar? If so, don’t hesitate to contact a truck accident lawyer right away. You can leverage their expertise to fight for the compensation you need to recover your losses. 

Eager to get started? We’re here to fight at your side.

Contact us today for your free consultation.